Stern Geschrieben 24. April 2006 Geschrieben 24. April 2006 Habs gerade gesehen. Da ich keinen habe, aber evtl für andere Interessant hier mal der Text. peter "jess_askey" <> schreef in bericht >> Just wanted to post an update for anyone who is interested. I ran the > > new ROM's at RMPS (thanks Dan and Dan and Ray and Dave and Warren) and > > I only found one bug that I have to work on fixing, it only happened > > about 4 or 5 times so I will have to dig around to try and find it. > > After I get that fixed, I need to figure out how big the ROM's are and > > start optimizing the code to fit into the space of (3) 2732 EPROMS. If > > I have extra space I may try and fit in as many other 'enhancements' > > before finally releasing them. If people are interested in getting > > pre-release versions for testing, I can send you ROM images, I don't > > want to post them anywhere as I don't want BETA ROM's getting out into > > the pubic and floating around out there. Once I get thumbs up from the > > BETA testers, I will post the new ROM's to, Im > > guessing that will be in about 2-3 weeks. > > > > Overall, here is the list of changes right now... > > > > 1. Several New Speech Sounds - Tigers, Monkeys, Creatures, etc. > > Sound board now supports 64 sounds instead of 32. > > 2. Attract mode lamps effects changed (mostly for > > experimentation purposes) > > 3. Attract mode sounds are now more varied and include two lamp > > effects and random speech/sounds. > > 4. Bonus Lamps are a bit more animated, bonus countdown takes a > > bit longer. Double scoring feature is accentuated a bit. > > 5. Bell at start of multiball is lessened. > > 6. Loop shot makes Tiger sounds (different in each direction) > > 7. 1-2-3-4-5 Lamps have different lamp animations and have better > > sounds associated with them. > > 8. Multiball background sound is no longer a constant Elephant > > scream. The background sound is quite low actually but switches > > have many animal noises that are made during multiball only. Im > > looking for feedback on this. > > 9. Outlanes have better lamp animation and player feedback. If a > > player is actively using the magnasave when the ball drains, > > the animation and speech are specifically different. (sort of > > like Pharaoh) > > 10. Ball Shooter now starts lamp animation in addition to launch > > sound. > > 11. Left magnasave during mutiball bug has been fixed. > > 12. Buzzer may be configured via options settings to run constantly > > during multiball if you want to detach the buzzer and add a > > vibrator motor (this was a specific request). > > > > The ROM upgrade will require NO changes to the Sound/Speech board as > > far as Jumpers but will require an additional Speech ROM (4 instead of > > 3) > > > > The CPU board will need to be jumpered for 3 2732 EPROMS like > > Hyperball, Defender and Star Light. I will release specific jumper info > > when I release the ROM's. Bottom line, you *will* need to solder in > > order to upgrade your ROM images. > > > > thanks... > > > > jess > >
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